CEO and founder of a digital marketing
agency and a travel retreat company
Karachi, Pakistan.
I am living in Karachi, Pakistan right now. The city I was born and raised in, I have spent couple of years away from here but I knew this is where home is.

The situation is currently dull. We have been in lockdown with limited hours access to grocery stores. However the cases are still rising. The economy is brittle thus most of the country won't be able to survive the lockdown with little to no income. As we say in our country, it's all in God's hands now.
Personally, my business didn't take much of a hit and I'm very grateful. However my business hours are all over the place. It's hard to make a work/home divide when you're just home.
Also, mentally it can get exhausting being limited to one place. Socialising with friends was a huge part of my life, I miss it. I try to do it as much of it online though.

The hardest thing I'm facing now is not being able to go around as freely I used to. My freedom of movement and decisions get me down spirit wise. Still trying to make the best of this lockdown situation by dressing up sometimes and cooking my favourite foods.
I've learnt a lot about myself and my relationship with my husband. When you have nothing to do, you're eventually forced to think about things on a different level. One revelation I can tell you, is that, I'm a much quieter person in real life.

The world will never be the same. That's one thing I'm sure of. Change is always good, I hope we humans, take this opportunity to change a lot about ourselves. Towards the climate, towards excessive-ness, towards hygiene.
current state
calm chaos