commercial author
in advertising agency
Moscow, Russia
In Moscow, of course, the regime is much stricter than in the regions. You need an electronic pass for literally every movement, so we mostly stay in our apartments and work from home. Of course, some enthusiasts go to barbecues, but tо hell with them.

The obligatory self-isolation happened too unexpected and at the very wrong time. At first, it seemed as something very distant that is happening in Italy and China, but may never reach us. But it did. Right when I was moving to a newly rented apartment.
Slowly came the realisation that I'm gonna have to sit within these four walls in absolute solitude, given that I have never lived alone before. My first thought was to run back to my parents and leave this experiment for better times. But after a week I got used to it, and after two – I started to enjoy it. I don't lack communication: there are plenty video calls, sometimes I have guests, in the end, I can always get a pass and drive somewhere.

In many ways, work saves you from boredom (never thought I'd say it). I can't imagine how unemployed must feel these times. On weekdays, I spend almost all day at the computer. Although I have to admit that even when I'm not busy working, I still sit at my computer – in times of self-isolation my whole life is focused online. Well, I also finally got a bicycle and now I can swap between my online pastime and violation of the regime.
I don't know how the world will change after the virus, and I am more concerned about how I will change. It seems that I have been sitting at home for so long that I have no idea how I will go to work in the office again, communicate with people face to face every day, or go wherever I want.
current state
excited about tomorrow